• ayogg2023@gmail.com
  • +32 49 365 0615 / +233 24 678 7018

The Coding Project

Step into the future with us! Join The Coding Project and take the first step towards providing Ghana with a bright tech-savvy future! The Student in Coding Project is a youth-led NGO aimed at providing quality education in Information Technology to reduce inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The main objectives of The Coding Project are to promote awareness and understanding of the United Nations 17 sustainable development goals (SDG4, 9, and 10), with a focus on quality education, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, and reduced inequality. The project aims to train and mentor the next generation of programmers and engineers in the community and surrounding areas in the Central Region of Ghana.
Project Scope:
The project will partner with 3 selected schools in the Central Region of Ghana and work with primary pupils, junior high school pupils, and senior high school students. The project has 70 volunteer student-teachers from Accra College of Education and invited resource persons from various fields of interest to support the initiative.
The Coding Project has several planned activities, including an inter-school coding challenge, mentorship programs, an IT innovation competition, the donation of computers to schools in need, and free computer classes.
Call for Action:
We are calling for individuals and organizations to join us as mentors, volunteers, or donors. Mentors will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills with the next generation of programmers. Volunteers can help with the organization of events and activities, and donors can support the cause by contributing to the purchase of laptops and IT-related tools. Your support is crucial to the success of this project and to fostering all-inclusive development.
Gomoa Dominase is a community located in the Central Region of the Republic of Ghana. It is politically located in the Gomoa East District and shares boundaries with several other communities. The community has a population of over 25,000 people and is known for its coastal tickets, grasslands, and moist semi-deciduous forests. The communication lines in the community include roads, farm routes, footpaths, and telecommunication networks. The mean annual rainfall of the place is 70cm to 90cm with an average temperature of 26.4 degrees Celsius.
Join us
Join us in creating a better future for the youth of Africa by participating as a mentor, volunteer, or donor in The Student in Coding Project 2023. Your support is crucial to the success of this project and to fostering all-inclusive development in the Central Region of Ghana. Let's work together to shape the future of the next generation of programmers and be a part of the global IT community.